Sweet Springs Resort Park Foundation Inc.

The current hotel building is the 3rd hotel building and was designed by THOMAS JEFFERSON
The 1st hotel on the property and the warm water healing pool were in use before the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

October 15, 2023
The Sweet Springs Turnpike Trail opened to the public. This trail will go to top of Peters Mountain and meet the Allegheny Trail once it is completed from Fincastle VA to top of Peters Mountain. This will complete the marriage of the Allegheny and Appalachian trails.
Picture on left - possibly the largest Oak tree in WV - located on the SST Trail.
Some Facts
Between 1795 and 1807 the District Courthouse was located here on the Sweet Springs property. Of course, this was a VA Courthouse as WV had not become a state yet.
The oldest stone-built jail and oldest frame-built house west of the Alleghanies still stand on the property.
Some of the guests here throughout the history was: 8 of the first 10 Presidents; James & Dolly Madison; Millard Fillmore; Martin Van Buren; Franklin Pierce; Patrick Henry; Robert E. Lee; The Marquis de Lafayette; Jerome Bonaparte (Napoleon’s Brother); and more.
C 1790, Anne Newport wed William Royall – a wealthy American Revolution Major Freemason and Deist. William saw to it that Anne received a proper education, and while married, lived here on the Sweet Springs property (the foundation to the house is still here). After William’s death, his family took Anne to court and took everything – leaving her penniless. Anne caught John Quincy Adams bathing in a river and took his clothes until he would listen to what she had to say. Anne became great friends with the Adams family, and thanks to her education, Anne Royall became the first noted woman journalist, editor, and writer. Upon her death, Anne was buried in the Congressional Cemetery in Washington DC.
To date, everyone here is volunteer …..we have completed over 2.0 million in restoration with all work being done as true as possible to the 1833 design. WE HAVE NO LOANS, but operate strictly on Grants, Donations, and Fundraisers. ALL donations over $50 are tax deductible, and over $10,000 is a great tax write off.
Sweet Springs Park has 2 unique water attractions: (1) The pure drinking waters which have been tested and reported as some of the purest in the world, and (2) the warm water pool where the water remains 73 degrees year-round. This is the same pool in which there are many “healing stories”.
This Jeffersonian project offers opportunities in: Education, Economics, History, Culture, The Arts, and can attract INTERNATIONAL attention. Sweet Springs lies within a 6- hour drive of 60% of the US population.

The oldest Jail/Courthouse west of the Allegheny Mountains
The Warm Water Healing Pool is internationally famous and was the reason colonization began in this area.

Historic Sweet Springs Turnpike Trail
Ordered built by the Virginia Assembly in February 1830 as a stagecoach road to the "Old Sweet", one of the most famous and used Springs of the Virginia's due to the warm water healing pool. The Healing Pool and the 1st hotel were used commercially before the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1774.
This historic trail is now open as a mountain hiking trail that will meet the Allegheny Trail and then meet the Appalachian Trail, allowing for all levels of hikers the perfect hiking experience.
Go to: www.ssturnpiketrail.com for more information.
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The Professional
Cindie Harper, Professional Paranormalist - Author - and Native West Virginian is the Paranormal expert for The Sweet Springs Resort Park/Sanitarium. Cindie has appeared on several television shows, and spoken at Mad-Cons, so she understands exactly what you are looking for and can help you plan the perfect visit to Sweet Springs Sanitarium.
The Sweet Springs Sanitarium has been showcased on The Travel Channel, and was chosen as one of the most haunted locations in the world (Along with Dracula's Castel and more), enjoying time as one of the feature locations on the television show "Most Haunted Places in the World" which was shown live in 9 different countries.
Cindie also arranges for "Public Paranormal Nights" at the Sanitarium so anyone interested can attend at a reasonable price. You do not have to be professional, just interested. If you have equipment you can bring it, otherwise Cindie and a professional group of Paranormalists will have all necessary materials.
Professional Paranormalists? Want to do a 2-night visit? We have the Lewis House you can rent rooms, or sleep in the Hotel - whichever fills your needs. Just remember:
The Sanitarium gets VERY ACTIVE